
Pass it On…

If you haven’t checked out from The Foundation for a Better Life, better get on it. There’s a wealth of resources on there for teaching kids about values… posters, videos, definitions, quotes, and great examples.

They’ve got a special section for faculty and admin, as well as students (hugely useful for project based learning).


More hints and tips in the classroom...


Research shows that one of the main reasons teens go on the internet is to get answers to health questions they’re too embarrassed to ask

Puberty Help for Parents

We’ve just finished up with our puberty unit for the 6th graders, and oftentimes, it’s more stressful for the parents than it is for the kids.

Presentations & Consulting

  Presentations and Workshops:  Click on the green hyperlinks for resources or contact for more info. Upcoming: EARCOS Weekend Workshop Developing a Health and Wellness

Today’s Health Class

What makes an effective Health curriculum? Check out this article from the CDC… it very clearly breaks down the characteristics of an up-to-date Health class,

SAS PXHS Health & Wellness

Article: What Students Have to Say About Skill-Based Health Education Slides: PXHS Student Health & Wellness SEL/Wellness Alignment Chart PK-12 Additional Resources: New York Times