
Vaping advocacy activity

*Stickers designed by Jennifer, Grade 8

Hey 8th graders! You’re going to try and combat all of the tricks used by JUULs on social media by creating a genius campaign of your own. After reading this article from the (upcoming!) November issue of Choices Magazine, What JUUL’s Hiding, you’re going to get to work creating a clever message- either with a social media post, laptop sticker, infographic, any other method- to let your friends know about the real risk involved with choosing to vape.

You can find the instructions on the Google Doc here (just make a copy first!): Vaping Advocacy Plan.

Don’t just copy the ones that I’ve included here! Create something impactful of your own.

More hints and tips in the classroom...


Amy Lauren Smith The Health Teacher Amy Lauren Smith currently teaches Health & Wellbeing at Hong Kong International School, where she also serves as Schoolwide

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