
Healthy Choices Letter

Hey 7th graders,

The time has come to pass on your wisdom by writing a letter to incoming 6th graders about how to stay healthy in middle school. Brainstorm a list first of all of the healthy choices we’ve learned about, pick a few of your favorites and then get to work!

Healthy Choices Assessment Letter Instructions

Healthy Choices Rubric

Remember to be honest about all that you’ve learned in your experience over the last two years, and try to inspire others to get started on the right path to balance!

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Past Presentations

Presentations and Workshops:  Click on the green hyperlinks for resources or contact for more info. Positive Prevention: A New Approach to Health Ed SXSWEdu

Ideas for Family Fun

Image: Shanghai Daily In our ever connected world, we sometimes forget to connect with those we’re closest to! For our 8th grade Family Advocacy project,

SXSW Resources

*Grade 8 Student Project Positive Prevention: A New Approach to Health Ed Weds. 3/9 1:30-3:30 (feel free to pop in at anytime!) Austin Convention Center


What makes an effective Health curriculum? Here’s the latest from the CDC that breaks it down really well…  “Today’s state-of-the-art health education curricula reflect the