
Tobacco. Gross.

Hopefully most of you know that smoking is bad. I don’t think this is going to come as a shock.

You shouldn’t do it. And hopefully you won’t. But if you were thinking about it for even just one second, go to this website. Watch their videos. Read the facts.

Either way you should check it out. They’re one of my favorite examples of advocacy in action. They narrow their focus (the shadiness of the tobacco industry) and they know how to reach their audience (teenagers). They also do a great job explaining why using the word “don’t” won’t work when it comes to smoking prevention.

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The Truth

Great. So we’ve established that you’re not going to smoke. Because only 3% of people who try to quit after they’ve started are successful. And you’re smart enough to know those odds aren’t great.

But the sad truth is that the majority of us know somebody who already smokes. And I can tell you that they know it’s not good. And they most likely want to quit. Our goal is to try and help them join the ranks of that elite 3%.

If it’s your parents, just keep on using the guilt factor. If that doesn’t work… try this site. It’s a new approach, and it seems to be working for a lot of people.

Show them this powerful PSA that just came out of Thailand

Hey, at least you can know that you tried. And trust me, they’ll thank you for it.

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