
Using your privilege as a platform for advocacy…

If you’re working with kids who come from a place of financial privilege and are teaching them about advocacy, it’s important they understand what that privilege really means. In this great clip, NBA star Dwayne Wade talks about how his popularity gives him a voice, and why he feels an obligation to use it for those who might not be able to.

He also talks about the survivors from Parkland behind the #NeverAgain movement and how they understand that as well- and how that made him want to help support their cause even more. From donating money, to visiting the school, and sponsoring an art exhibit to honor the victims– he’s showing the kids that he’s got their back.  Such a awesome examples of advocacy all around, and a great clip to share with the class.

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SXSW Resources

*Grade 8 Student Project Positive Prevention: A New Approach to Health Ed Weds. 3/9 1:30-3:30 (feel free to pop in at anytime!) Austin Convention Center