
More hints and tips in the classroom...

7th Grade- Flood Lesson

Hey 7th graders! Sorry about the floody day schedule! Hopefully you were able to use it to your advantage and get a few extra hours

Healthy Tech Curriculum

If you’re looking to add digital literacy to your classes (which you should be!), there are some groups out there creating curriculum, aligning it to

Grade 6 Course Outline

Middle School Health Education Ms. Smith, Room M106 Email: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental, emotional and social well-being and not merely

Stressbusters Video Project

Hey 6th graders! Hope you’re excited about making your stress buster videos. Project Sheet: Stressbuster Video Instructions Rubric: Stress Busters Video Rubric If you need some inspiration,

Ideas for Family Fun

Image: Shanghai Daily In our ever connected world, we sometimes forget to connect with those we’re closest to! For our 8th grade Family Advocacy project,