*Grade 8 Student Project
Positive Prevention: A New Approach to Health Ed
Weds. 3/9 1:30-3:30 (feel free to pop in at anytime!)
Austin Convention Center 17B
Click on the links below for more info, lesson plans, and project ideas!
Tentative Agenda and Resources
Welcome and Intros
What’s your name and position, and where is your school at in terms of a Health and Wellness Program?
Round Robin discussion protocol and additional icebreaker ideas for a new class:
4 Starter Ideas for the First Day of the New Semester
Journal Topic: What did health class look like when you were in school?
Who taught it? What do you remember learning? How did it make you feel?
7 Reasons to Use Journaling in Your Classroom
What would your ideal Health program look like?
Brainstorm big idea words and phrases with your table on the chart paper.
Then stick the paper on the wall and have a gallery walk. Which words keep popping up?
What’s happening in Health Ed today?
Wall Street Journal Article- May, 2015: Schools Rethink Health Class, Incorporate Mindfulness Training
Exploring Health Standards
What standards are you using?
National Health Education Standards K-12
California State Health Standards: K-12
Current Health Concerns
What are the biggest health concerns at your school?
Use three separate post-its to jot down your top three, then place them on the wall.
All class activity- grouping health concerns by content
Adding new content:
During the following content delivery and discussion, write down any fierce wonderings you have on the post-its.
- Technology Balance
- A Positive Approach to Obesity Prevention
- Stress Management and Healthy Coping Skills– student exemplar video
Integrating SEL and Mindfulness into your Health, Wellness and PE programs
SEL Resources:
Edutopia: Evidence Based SEL Curriculums
2015 CASEL Guide: Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs—Middle and High School Edition
—Preschool and Elementary Edition
The Greater Good Science Center from UC Berkeley: SEL in Education Blog
Greater Good in Action Curriculum Guide– pdf
GGIA Website with online resources (Online Curriculum Tool)
Social Emotional Learning Activities for Health Class
Teaching Kids How to Cultivate Happiness
Meditation Resources
Teaching Meditation in Schools
Starting a Classroom Meditation Practice
Getting the kids on board:
Meditation in sports, in business, in the tech world, and in hip-hop and popular culture.
What’s The Latest with Sex Ed?
Small group discussions based on state regulations:
Guttmacher Institute: Sex and HIV Education by State as of March 2016
- CBC News: Feb. 6, 2015: Sex Ed Should Include Consent, Identity and Porn
2. NPR: Oct. 2013- Puberty is Coming Earlier, But That Doesn’t Mean Sex Ed is
3. UK Telegraph: Sep. 2013- David Cameron Calls For Update of Sex Ed
4. PBS News Hour: The Case for Starting Sex Ed in Kindergarten
Teaching Kids to Evaluate Online Health Information
Choices: October 2015- Are You Googling Yourself Sick?
Puberty Resources:
For parents: Puberty Help for Parents
A puberty video that actually works (and isn’t too awkward!): The Discovery Channel: Body Story
Additional Resource Share Out:
Choices Magazine from Scholastic: 33 Approved & Reliable Health Websites
Putting it all into action right away:
5 Ways to REBOOT Your Health Class
2. Bring in outside experts/ Involve parent community: table brainstorm some options on your chart paper!
3. Keeping content current and relevant
Choices Magazine: Article share jigsaw
Teacher blogs for students and parents
Set up a Tweet Deck for the latest in #HealthEd
4. Finding new ways to utilize technology
Using Social Media to Teach Kids Advocacy
Positive Prevention to Combat Cyberbullying
Clean Up Your Digital Footprint- A Platform for Good!
5. Project based learning in the health class
12 Grab-and-Go Health Project Ideas
The Power of Collaboration
4 Essential Ingredients for Successful Teacher Collaboration
Open Work Space
- Creating and adapting projects for your school community
2. Developing a Scope & Sequence
3. Curriculum development time
Continue work, resource share-out/Q&A
Archive of Amy’s posts from Choices Magazine
New Health Ed resources we’ve picked up this week at SXSWedu!
Illinois Caucus of Adolescent Health: Super fun improv style skits to teach kids sexual health, decision making and risk taking.
WholeKidsFoundation.org: Education branch of Whole Foods dedicated to teaching kids to enjoy healthy eating and cooking! Great free downloadables and resources focused on food, not numbers!
Any additional questions? Feel free to email me anytime: amy@thehealthteacher.com