SAS- G&D Scope and Sequence

SAS Scope & Sequence: Growth, Development, & Sexual Health

Here are the standards as a word document: SAS G&D- Scope & Sequence


CT- Classroom teacher

GC- Guidance Counselor

HT- Health Teacher

TBD- Could be TRF, GC, CT or HT


Growth and Development Standard : Essential Concepts

1.1.G Explain that living things grow and mature. (CT)

1.2.G Describe their own physical characteristics. (CT)

1.3.G Name ways in which people are similar and ways in which they are different. (GC)

1.4.G Identify trusted adults who promote healthy growth and development (e.g., physicians, nurses, dentists, and optometrists). (GC)

1.5.G Name body parts and their functions. (CT)

1.6.G Name and describe the five senses. (CT)

Grade 1

Growth and Development Standard : Essential Concepts

1.1.G Describe how living things grow and mature. (CT)

1.2.G Identify anatomical names of major internal and external body parts. (CT)

1.3.G Identify a variety of behaviors that promote healthy growth and development. (CT & GC)

1.4.G Describe how members of a family have various roles, responsibilities, and individual needs(CT & GC)

Standard 2: Analyzing Influences

2.1.G Explain why sleep and rest are important for proper growth and good health. (CT)

Grade 4

Letter home with invitation to Parent Coffee

Lesson 1: Intro to Adolescence- norms and anonymous questions- Unit Introduction from Healthy Body Image Curriculum (to be scanned)

Resources: Terry the Tadpole & Healthy Body Image Tools for Change

Lesson 2: I’m Growing Up, But am I Normal?

Lesson 3: Brain Pop- Adolescence (separate boys and girls)

Lesson 4: Closure & Teaching Kids to Evaluate Online Health Information for further questions (written for 6th grade, should be adapted for 4th- from 2 days to 1)

Growth and Development Standard : Essential Concepts

1.1.G Describe the cycle of birth, growth, aging, and death in living things. (CT)

1.2.G Recognize that there are individual differences in growth and development. (GC)

1.3.G Identify major internal and external body parts and their functions. (CT)

Standard 2: Analyzing Influences

2.1.G Explain how individual behaviors and one’s family and school influence growth and development. (TBD- GC?)

2.6.G Explain how sexual exploitation can occur through the Internet, text messaging, and social media. (HT)

Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information

3.1.G Identify parents, guardians, and trusted adults with whom one can discuss the cycle of birth, growth, aging, and death in living things. (GC)

3.2.G Differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources of information about puberty. (TBD- CT or TRF?)

Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication

4.1.G Demonstrate how to communicate with parents, guardians, and trusted adults about growth and development. (GC)

4.2.G Identify how to show respect for individual differences. (GC & CT)

Standard 5: Decision Making

5.1.G Examine why a variety of behaviors promote healthy growth and development. (GC)

Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors

7.1.G Determine behaviors that promote healthy growth and development. (GC)

Standard 8: Health Promotion

8.1.G Encourage peers to show respect for others regardless of differences in growth and development. (GC & CT)

Grade 5

Letter home with invitation to Parent Coffee

Lesson 1: Intro to Adolescence- letter home- norms and anonymous questions- How Appearances Change in Puberty (to be scanned) Gender Stereotyping

Standard 1: Essential Concepts

1.1.G Explain physical, social, and emotional changes associated with adolescence.

1.2.G Summarize the human reproduction cycle.

Standard 2: Analyzing Influences

2.6.G Explain how sexual exploitation can occur through the Internet, text messaging, and social media. (GC)

RESOURCE: Scope & Sequence Lessons

5.4.G Analyze the responsibilities and privileges of becoming a young adult. (GC)

Standard 6: Goal Setting

6.2.G Develop plans to maintain personal hygiene during puberty. (GC)


Grade 6

Standard 1: Essential Concepts

1.1.G Describe the human cycle of reproduction, birth, growth, aging, and death. (HT)

1.2.G Summarize the human reproduction cycle and how conception occurs.

1.2.G Explain the structure, function, and major parts of the human reproductive system. (HT)

1.3.G Identify the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur during puberty. (HT)

1.6.G Recognize that there are individual differences in growth and development, physical appearance, and gender roles. (HT)

1.7.G Recognize that everyone has the right to establish personal boundaries. (GC)

1.8.G Recognize that friendship, attraction, and affection can be expressed in different ways. (GC)

1.10.G Identify personal hygiene practices and health and safety issues related to puberty (e.g., showering, use of sanitary products, deodorant, and athletic supporters). (HT)

Standard 2: Analyzing Influences

2.1.G Explain how culture, media, and other factors influence perceptions about body image, gender roles, and attractiveness. (HT)

2.2.G Describe how heredity influences growth and development. (HT)

2.3.G Discuss how changes during puberty affect thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. (HT)

Resource- Common Sense Media- Gender Stereotypes Online

Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information

3.1.G Recognize parents, guardians, and other trusted adults as resources for information about puberty. (HT)

3.2.G Locate medically and scientifically accurate sources of information on reproductive health. (HT)

Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication

4.1.G Use effective communication skills to discuss with parents, guardians, and other trusted adults the changes that occur during puberty. (HT)

4.2.G Use healthy and respectful ways to express friendship, attraction, and affection.(HT)

4.4.G Analyze the benefits of respecting individual differences in growth and development, physical appearance, gender roles, and sexual orientation. (HT)

Standard 5: Decision Making

5.1.G Describe and demonstrate the importance of identifying and protecting personal boundaries. (GC)

5.5.G Identify how good health practices in adolescence affect lifelong health. (HT)

Standard 6: Goal Setting

6.1.G Identify steps to achieve and maintain a healthy and accurate body image. (HT)

Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors

7.1.G Engage in behaviors that promote healthy growth and development during puberty. (HT)

Grade 7 & 8

Standard 1: Essential Concepts

1.3.G Explain the effectiveness of abstinence in protecting your physical, social, mental and emotional health. (HT)

1.8.G Recognize that there are individual differences in growth and development, physical appearance, gender roles, and sexual orientation. (HT)

1.9.G Explain why individuals have the right to refuse sexual contact. (HT)

1.10.G Describe the emotional, psychological, and physical consequences of rape and sexual assault. (GC)

1.11.G Explain why rape and sexual assault should be reported to authorities and trusted adults. (GC)

Standard 2: Analyzing Influences

2.1.G Analyze how internal and external influences affect growth and development, relationships, and sexual behavior. (HT)

2.2.G Evaluate how culture, media, and other people influence our perceptions of body image, gender roles, sexuality, attractiveness, relationships, and sexual orientation. (HT)

2.3.G Analyze the influence of alcohol and other drugs on sexual behaviors. (HT)

2.4.G Describe situations that could lead to pressure for sexual activity and to the risk of contracting HIV and other STDs. (HT)

2.5.G Recognize that there are individual, family, and cultural differences in relationships. (HT)

2.6.G Explain how sexual exploitation can occur through the Internet, text messaging, and social media. (HT)

Standard 3: Accessing Valid Information

3.1.G Identify trusted adults in one’s family, school, and community for advice and counseling regarding reproductive and sexual health. (HT)

Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication

4.1.G Practice effective communication skills with parents, guardians, health care providers, or other trusted adults by discussing issues related to reproductive and sexual health. (HT)

4.2.G Use effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to prevent sexual involvement, HIV, other STDs, and unintended pregnancy. (HT)

4.3.G Use healthy and respectful ways to express friendship, attraction, and affection.(HT)

4.5.G Demonstrate how to ask for help from parents, other trusted adults, or friends when pressured to participate in sexual behavior. (GC)

Standard 5: Decision Making

5.1.G Analyze why abstinence is the most effective method for the prevention of HIV, STDs, and pregnancy. (HT)

5.2.G Use a decision-making process to examine the characteristics of healthy relationships. (GC)

5.3.G Use a decision-making process to evaluate individual differences in growth and development, physical appearance, gender roles, and sexual orientation. (HT)

5.4.G Analyze the responsibilities and privileges of becoming a young adult. (HT)

5.6.G Explain the immediate physical, social, and emotional risks and consequences associated with sexual activity. (HT)

Standard 6: Goal Setting

6.2.G Describe how HIV, AIDS, other STDs, or pregnancy could impact life goals.(HT)

Standard 7: Practicing Health-Enhancing Behaviors

7.1.G Describe strategies for refusing unwanted sexual activity. (HT)

7.2.G Demonstrate the ability to anticipate and minimize exposure to situations that pose a risk to sexual health. (HT)

7.3.G Describe personal actions that can protect reproductive and sexual health. (HT)

Standard 8: Health Promotion

8.1.G Support and encourage safe, respectful, and responsible relationships. (HT)






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