Presentations & Consulting


Presentations and Workshops: 

Click on the green hyperlinks for resources or contact for more info.

Upcoming: EARCOS Weekend Workshop

Developing a Health and Wellness Program for the Unique Needs of the International Student

October 14th & 15th, 2017

Ready-to-Go Health Projects for a School on Any Budget

SHAPE America National Convention 2017

Appropriate Practices in School Based Health Education: Curriculum and Student Engagement

Webinar Series: SHAPE America

PBL with a Focus on Health & Wellness

APPEC 2016: Hong Kong International School

#PhysedSummit 2016: Virtual Conference

Positive Prevention: A New Approach to Health Ed

SXSWEdu 2016, Austin, TX.

Designing a Health & Wellness Program for the Unique Needs of the International Student

Ruamrudee International School, Full Faculty Two-Day Workshop

UNIS Hanoi HPE Department, Weekend Workshop 2016

EARCOS Weekend Workshop 2015

The PE Teachers Guide to Teaching Health

EARCOS 2016, Manila

Oh, Puberty: There’s Still Not an App for ThatTeaching kids the right places to search online.

PhysEdSummit 3.0, 2015

SHAPE America National Convention 2015, Seattle

EARCOS 2014, Bangkok

Teacher/Counselor Workshop October 2013, Shanghai American School

No More Shame: The Social and Emotional Roots of Obesity

SHAPE America National Convention 2015, Seattle, Washington

Cyberbullying: Positive Prevention

Learning 2.013, UWCSEA Singapore

SHAPE America National Convention 2014, St. Louis, Missouri

Kids & Screens- Helping Kids Balance Their Digital Lives

Teaching Kids about Technology Balance

EARCOS 2013, Concordia International School, Shanghai

Helping Kids with Technology Balance: A Community-Based Approach

Parent Presentation 10/2014: Shanghai American School

Health Curriculum for Technology Balance

AAHPERD National Convention 2013, Charlotte, North Carolina

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Oh, Puberty.

  What is it about that word that freaks everyone out so much? You’re all going through it, or have gone through it, or are


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Conflict Resolution Skits

Hey, 7th graders! It’s time for you to demonstrate all you know about communication and conflict resolution. Make sure you’ve got the key vocabulary down,