EARCOS Weekend Workshop Agenda and Resources:

Designing a Health & Wellness Program to Meet the Unique Needs of the International Student

Saturday, September 12th

Morning Session

8:30-Welcome and Intros

Where is your school at in terms of a Health and Wellness Program?

8:45-9:15- What would your ideal Health program look like?

9:15-9:45-What’s happening in Health Ed today?

Wall Street Journal: Schools Rethink Health Class, Incorporate Mindfulness Training

9:45-10:15 Exploring Health Standards

10:15-10:30 Break

What standards are you using?


California State Health Standards: K-12

Ontario’s New HPE Standards

10:30-11:15 Current Health Concerns

What are the biggest health concerns at your school?

11:15-12:00 Integrating SEL and Mindfulness into your Health, Wellness and PE programs

SEL Resources:

Edutopia: Evidence Based SEL Curriculums

2015 CASEL Guide: Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs—Middle and High School Edition

—Preschool and Elementary Edition

The Greater Good Science Center from UC Berkeley: SEL in Education Blog

Greater Good in Action Curriculum Guide– pdf

GGIA Website with online resources (Online Curriculum Tool)

Social Emotional Learning Activities for Health Class

Teaching Kids How to Cultivate Happiness

Meditation Resources

Teaching Meditation in Schools

Starting a Classroom Meditation Practice

Zen in the Workplace

Getting the kids on board:

Meditation in sportsin business, in the tech world, and in hip-hop and popular culture.


Afternoon Session

Smiling Mind- Level 1

1:00-1:45 What’s The Latest with Sex Ed?

Article Jigsaw

CBC News: Feb. 6, 2015: Sex Ed Should Include Consent, Identity and Porn

NPR: Oct. 2013- Puberty is Coming Earlier, But That Doesn’t Mean Sex Ed is

UK Telegraph: Sep. 2013- David Cameron Calls For Update of Sex Ed

PBS News Hour: The Case for Starting Sex Ed in Kindergarten

1:45-2:15 John Oliver Video

Guttmacher Institute: Sex and HIV Education by State as of Sept. 2015

2:15-2:45 Teaching Kids to Evaluate Online Health Information

Teacher Resources 

Student Lesson Plan

Choices: October 2015- Are You Googling Yourself Sick?

Puberty Resources:

Puberty Help for Parents

The Discovery Channel: Body Story

2:45 Additional Resource Share out

Choices Magazine from Scholastic: 33 Approved & Reliable Health Websites

Sunday, September 13th

Morning Session

8:30-9:15 –Movement in the Health Class (Optional)

Flow Yoga Class

Open fitness room 

9:30-10:30- 5 Ways to REBOOT Your Health Class

  1. Introduce mindfulness

2. Bring in outside experts/ Involve parent community

3. Keeping content current and relevant

Choices Magazine

Hey Berna! videos

Teacher blogs for students and parents

Set up a Tweet Deck for the latest in #HealthEd 

4. Finding new ways to utilize technology

From Leah’s blog: teachinghealthandhappiness.com

Using Social Media to Teach Kids Advocacy

Create Your Own Infographics

Positive Prevention to Combat Cyberbullying

5. Project based learning in the health class

Exploring Dietary Guidelines Around the World

10:30-10:45- Break

10:45-12:00- Open Work Space

  1. Creating projects for your school community

2. Developing your Scope & Sequence

3. Curriculum development

12:00-1:00 Lunch

Afternoon Session

1:00-1:30 Continue Open Work Space

1:30-2:00- Developing a Health & Wellness PLN

2:00-3:00- Continue work, resource share-out/Q&A

Additional resources for curriculum planning:

6 Online Resources for Planning a Health Curriculum

Archive of Amy’s projects and posts for Choices Magazine

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