Just in time for summer…

Fitness tools that tap the power of your friends!

From CNN, here are 7 awesome apps that can turn fitness into a group activity, even if you’re miles away from your friends for the summer. Keep each other motivated while keeping yourself active.

Sounds like a win-win situation. Bonus points since they included Zombies, Run!


More hints and tips in the classroom...

The Energy Bar Project: Part 2

Last week I wrote about part one of a new project my 8th graders have been working on where they analyze the health claims of

The Blue Zones Project

Hey 6th graders! You just learned about the Wellness Wheel and the four main components of our health: Physical, Social, Emotional and Mental. You also learned

Good Reads for Parents

There are so many awesome resources out there for parents when it comes to raising healthy teens. As I come across anything I feel worth

SAS- G&D Scope and Sequence

SAS Scope & Sequence: Growth, Development, & Sexual Health Here are the standards as a word document: SAS G&D- Scope & Sequence Key: CT- Classroom teacher