Today’s Health Class

What makes an effective Health curriculum?

Check out this article from the CDC… it very clearly breaks down the characteristics of an up-to-date Health class, with an emphasis on skills rather than content.

So important, as it gives teachers the freedom to design their class with their specific student population in mind. This serves the students as they establish healthy habits, and encourages a culture of advocacy.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Personal Tech Use Policy

  My.U.P.2013 Korean My.U.P. Chinese My.U.P. In 2011, shortly after our school went 1-to-1, our 8th graders began noticing some issues balancing their tech use. They were

PBL Health

Hey #HealthEd teachers, here’s a link for all of the resources I shared in the PhysEdSummit and APPEC 2016 workshops. For free PD, here’s a copy of

The Infographic Project

Hey 8th graders! Here’s everything you’ll need for our next project. Infographics are used quite a bit in reporting health news, as they’re a visually

Time Management

Procrastination and time management are huge issues for all of us, not just the kids. Here’s a great digital workshop on multi-tasking that can be

Student Created Tech Use Policy

  Download your own editable doc here: My UP Family Agreement Korean My.U.P. Chinese My.U.P. In 2011, shortly after our school went 1-to-1, our 8th grade Health classes