Today’s Health Class

What makes an effective Health curriculum?

Check out this article from the CDC… it very clearly breaks down the characteristics of an up-to-date Health class, with an emphasis on skills rather than content.

So important, as it gives teachers the freedom to design their class with their specific student population in mind. This serves the students as they establish healthy habits, and encourages a culture of advocacy.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

PEACH 2016- Health

Click on the links below for more info, lesson plans, and project ideas! Google Doc for shared resources Tentative Agenda and Resources Welcome and Intros

EARCOS Health & Wellbeing 2021

Weekend Workshop, Jan. 30-31 Sponsored by Brent International School, Manila Saturday, Jan. 30th: Click on the session title to access the slides and resources 8

Grade 7 Course Outline

Middle School Health Education Ms. Smith, Room M106 Email: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental, emotional and social well-being and not merely

SAS- G&D Scope and Sequence

SAS Scope & Sequence: Growth, Development, & Sexual Health Here are the standards as a word document: SAS G&D- Scope & Sequence Key: CT- Classroom teacher


Link to the Google Slides can be found here: EARCOS Health Workshop 2017 Lesson plans for the IB- Health Education for Teens Saturday, October 14th