Time Management

Procrastination and time management are huge issues for all of us, not just the kids. Here’s a great digital workshop on multi-tasking that can be used with middle school or high school students and for parent education.

Digital Workshops for Parents and Educators from PBS (The series on multitasking is quite effective with grades 6-8)

Show them the video of Mutlitasking at MIT and then go through the information on Continuous Partial Attention. Usually leads to a great discussion, especially for kids in a 1-to-1 environment. Lots of other great stuff on there if you dig through.




More hints and tips in the classroom...


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What is Technology Balance?

*Image courtesy of 9gag via my 7th grade class   In a 2011 study done by the McCann World Group, 53% of 16-22 year-olds said they would rather

Ideas for Family Fun

Image: Shanghai Daily In our ever connected world, we sometimes forget to connect with those we’re closest to! For our 8th grade Family Advocacy project,

Meditation Resources

Last year, after learning about the powerful impact meditation was having on middle school students in San Francisco, we decided to give it a try in


Another fun session with the amazing crew at #PhysEdSummit! Here’s a video of the presentation if you missed it, and the link below will take you