Tech Balance

Did you know that the average American teenager processes 3700 text messages a month?

News Clip: MSN

Maybe it’s time to put down the phone and actually talk to someone. You know, face to face. Everyone will think you’re being retro. Maybe you can start a trend.

As this is a newer issue, resources are limited and I’ll be updating as I come across anything new.


Huffington Post: Why we all need to set a bedtime

Get your parents (and the other adults in your life) some help with their technology skills.

Google’s Teach Parents Tech


Time Management

For Mac users:   Self Control App

PC users: Rescue Time


This is a newer area with a great need for more involvement! If you and your friends have come up with anything, let me know!

Real Life:

Social interaction. Watch this video, share it with your friends, then go outside and play…


Great site created by gamers to help spread the message of balance and a healthy lifestyle.

Gamer Fit Nation

For the extreme gamer in your life:

More hints and tips in the classroom...

APPEC 2017

Hey gang! Here’s where I’ll be posting the links for all of our resources over the next two days. If there’s anything else you’d like

PEACH 2016- Health

Click on the links below for more info, lesson plans, and project ideas! Google Doc for shared resources Tentative Agenda and Resources Welcome and Intros

PHASE 2019

Hi friends! Below you’ll find a link to the pages for all of our workshops this weekend. Google Doc folder containing all of the slide shows

Today’s Health Class

What makes an effective Health curriculum? Check out this article from the CDC… it very clearly breaks down the characteristics of an up-to-date Health class,


Research shows that one of the main reasons teens go on the internet is to get answers to health questions they’re too embarrassed to ask