Wellness for HS Seniors

College Readiness: Managing your stress and staying well. 

Hey seniors!!!!

You have heard senior year can be stressful… but it doesn’t have to be! Learn strategies and coping skills you can use during the college application season and throughout your college years as well.

Here’s what today’s going to look like:

Healthy Coping Skill #1: Journaling

  1. Journal: How are you feeling about all of information you’ve been getting today? What are some concerns you have going into your senior year?

Learn More: 5 Ways Keeping A Journal Can Help You De-Stress

Healthy Coping Skill #2: Practicing Gratitude

2. Gratitude list: Quick! Write down 5 things you’re grateful for in your journal.

Learn more: 10 Reasons Why Gratitude is Healthy

Healthy Coping Skill #3: Effective Time-Management

3. Article: Why Can’t I Stop Procrastinating?

4. Discussion: What type of procrastinator are you? Form a group of people with different procrastination styles, read the following article, and answer the questions, then discuss in your groups.

Article: How Can I Get It All Done?

5. Time-Management Strategies That Work

Video: How to Deal: Time Management and To-Do Lists

6. Share Out: What’s working for you?

Learn More: Life Hack- 20 Quick Tips For Better Time Management

Healthy Coping Skill #4: Mindfulness and Meditation

7. TED Talk: Andy Puddicombe, All It Takes is Ten Mindful Minutes

7. TED Talk: Andy Puddicombe, All It Takes is Ten Mindful Minutes

8. Guided Meditation: Smiling Mind

9. Benefits of Meditation

Benfits of Meditation

Learn More: Harvard Health- Mindfulness meditation may ease anxiety, mental stress

Healthy Coping Skill #5: Talk it Out

Remember…reaching out to others is a great way to prevent stress

10. Stand Up – Hand Up – Pair Up

Don’t stop there: 10 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Incredibly Happy

Additional Resources:

The 33 Best Online Resources for Teen Health



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