PBL: Family Values

Mission Statement (noun):

1. An official statement of the aims and objectives of a business or other organization.

Values are huge part of the decision making process, so we spend quite a bit of time working with them in our 8th grade health class. High school is coming up soon, and that means more freedom, which definitely means more decisions. If you know what your values are, you’re a lot less likely to get yourself in situations that could end up putting you at risk.

Our big project for the unit is the Family Values and Mission Statement

Project sheet: Family Values and Mission Statement 

We have the kids take home a word bank of values from the awesome website  Values.com and then decide with their family on what their top five values will be.

After that, they create value statements for each of the five and then condense them into a mission statement.

Before we have them write their mission statement, we go over some examples from different organizations. We usually start with the NBA’s Mission and Values Statement, and then have the kids look up some on their own.

For the final step, the kids use our school’s mission statement as a template and draft one for their family based on their core values. It’s a great opportunity for kids to learn about mission statements while working together with their families to have a discussion about what they expect from each other, and what they hope to accomplish as a team. 

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