Hi friends!

So excited about our work together this weekend. This is where I’ll keep our agenda with live links so you can bookmark as we go along. Let me know if you want me to add any resources along the way!

Here’s the link to the Google Folder with the presentations and templates!

Link to Google Slide deck!

8:30-Welcome and Intros
Where is your school at in terms of a Health and Wellness Program?
Setting up a healthy and inviting classroom environment

8:45-10:00- Updating Health Curriculum to Meet the Needs of Today’s Teens
What are the biggest issues facing teens today?
What role does technology play in personal, family and community health?
What are the issues that are unique to international students?
What are the issues that are unique to your specific student population?

10:15-11:30 Existing alignment and additional opportunities- getting a Scope and Sequence for Health & Wellness started.

What are you currently doing in each department/grade level? Where are there opportunities to scale back and/or ramp up? Where are the holes?

-The importance of health literacy skills

– Teaching the skills-cues from The Essentials of Teaching Health Education

-Getting to know the ‘what, why and how’ of skills-based health by engaging in a student activity. (Decision Making: Alcohol and Drug Use and the International Teen)

NHES 3: Alcohol & Drug Research Lab

Alternate activity for gr. 4-6

NHES 3: Time Magazine: Is it Safe to Diagnose Yourself Online?

11:30-12:15 Lunch

12:15-12:45 Compare findings and debrief from morning activity

12:45-2:00 PBL with a Focus on Health & Wellness
How can project-based learning fit into our current school program (MYP, UBD, etc.)
What projects can I use that are relevant to my students?
Adaptable resources: 12 Grab-and-Go Projects with a Focus on Health and Wellness

2:00-2:15 Break

2:15-4:00 Unit planning for Health, PE and counseling cores using current data and research

Analyzing the Influence of Social Media on Food Choice, Physical Activity, and Body Image in Teens.

Resources we’ll be using:

Article: The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right

Article: How the #Fitspo Trend Impacts Body Image and Health

Sunday, October 28, 2018
Integrating SEL and Mindfulness and Tech into your Health, Wellness and PE programs

8:30-9:00 –Movement and Mindfulness in the Health Class
Strategies to get kids up and moving as well as settled and grounded
Demonstrations and simulations of strategies for health and wellness instruction

9:00-10:00- Digital Citizenship, Digital Health and Mindful Technology Use
Digging into NHES Standard 2: Analyzing the influence of peers, culture, media and technology on health behaviors
Teaching teens about having a balanced relationship with their technology
Media Literacy: analyzing the influence of social media and peer pressure on health behaviors
Article: Will Your Posts Come Back to Haunt You?
Digital Footprint Activity

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-11:30 The Latest in Growth, Development, and Sexual Health
Article Jigsaw- What’s Currently Going on with Sex Ed?
The influence of technology on sexual health and relationships
Video: What’s the current state of sex ed?

11:30-12:15 Lunch

12:15-1:15- Keeping Content Current and Relevant
6 Online Resources for Creating a Health Curriculum
2 Keys for Keeping Content Relevant in Health Ed
Developing a Professional Learning Network of other health educators within the international community and across the globe
Opportunities for continued professional development
Community and parent partnerships

1:15-2:00- Open Work Space
Creating projects for your school community
Developing your Scope & Sequence
Working within your cohort to identify next steps for this school year and beyond
Closure & Resource Share out

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Presentations & Consulting

  Presentations and Workshops:  Click on the green hyperlinks for resources or contact amy@thehealthteacher.com for more info. Upcoming: EARCOS Weekend Workshop Developing a Health and Wellness

Food Guidelines Around the World Project

Hey 7th Graders! Here’s your opportunity to learn about food and dietary guidelines all around the world to help our SAS community come up with food guidelines

Stressbusters Video Project

Hey 6th graders! Hope you’re excited about making your stress buster videos. Project Sheet: Stressbuster Video Instructions Rubric: Stress Busters Video Rubric If you need some inspiration,

PHASE 2019

Hi friends! Below you’ll find a link to the pages for all of our workshops this weekend. Google Doc folder containing all of the slide shows