Posts for Choices Magazine

Each week, I contribute a blog post to the website for Choices, Scholastic’s health and life-skills magazines for teens. You can check it out by going to their website for an archive of the posts.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

PBL: Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating: If you’re looking for ways to incorporate project-based learning into your Health class, (and let’s be honest here, you should be!) then why

Food Guidelines Around the World Project

Hey 7th Graders! Here’s your opportunity to learn about food and dietary guidelines all around the world to help our SAS community come up with food guidelines


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EARCOS Teacher’s Conference 2019

Placeholder for ETC Agenda here. Sample: Hi friends! So excited about our work together this weekend. This is where I’ll keep our agenda with live

Oh, Puberty.

  What is it about that word that freaks everyone out so much? You’re all going through it, or have gone through it, or are