Posts for Choices Magazine

Each week, I contribute a blog post to the website for Choices, Scholastic’s health and life-skills magazines for teens. You can check it out by going to their website for an archive of the posts.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Oh, Puberty.

  What is it about that word that freaks everyone out so much? You’re all going through it, or have gone through it, or are

6th Grade- Flood Lesson

Hey 6th graders, Sorry about the floody day schedule! Hopefully you were able to use it to your advantage and get a few extra hours

Tech Balance

Looking at how technology and health intersect. Click on the specific topics for further information and links.

Time Management

Procrastination and time management are huge issues for all of us, not just the kids. Here’s a great digital workshop on multi-tasking that can be

PHASE 2019

Hi friends! Below you’ll find a link to the pages for all of our workshops this weekend. Google Doc folder containing all of the slide shows throughout