The latest on vaping and e-cigarettes….

Vaping is a huge issue, in school communities, and in the news. The November issue of Choices Magazine features a story on how the makers of JUUL’s- the most popular brand of e-cigarettes- and all of the tricks they used to introduce nicotine addiction to a whole new generation of teens.

Read the article online here: What Juul is Hiding

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Ideas for Family Fun

Image: Shanghai Daily In our ever connected world, we sometimes forget to connect with those we’re closest to! For our 8th grade Family Advocacy project,

Eportfolios in Education

From Times Higher Education, Sept. 2015 Universities are switching to a new form of admissions, how do we prepare our students for the shift? Current

SAS- G&D Scope and Sequence

SAS Scope & Sequence: Growth, Development, & Sexual Health Here are the standards as a word document: SAS G&D- Scope & Sequence Key: CT- Classroom teacher

Unit Plan- Stress Management

This post originally appeared on It’s crunch time! Stress management for teens. May is a stressful time to be at school. Younger kids are