PBL Health Workshop

Hey #HealthEd teachers, here’s a link for all of the resources I shared in the PhysEdSummit and APPEC 2016 workshops.

For free PD, here’s a copy of the online presentation to take back to your department.

And a copy of the keynote as well: PhysEdSummit 2016: PBL with a Focus on Health and Wellness

Tip 1: Set the classroom up for interactive learning.

3 Tips for Designing a Healthy and Inviting Classroom

Tip 2: Know what type of project framework you’re going to use.

Buck Institute- bie.org

Tip 3: Keep your content current and relevant by knowing your students (and getting their input!).

12 Grab and Go Projects for Health

Tip 4: Hook students with a powerful ‘entry event’.

Cyberbullying Positive Prevention

Tip 5: Stay on top of student learning with check-ins along the way.

7 Reasons to Use Journaling in Your Classroom

Tip 6: Don’t go it alone… tap into your network for ideas and inspiration, or team up with other teachers on campus for cross-curricular learning!

4 Ideas for Cross-Curricular Learning

6 Online Resources for Planning a Health Curriculum

Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions!


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