How labels affect hunger…

From NPR Health comes this new study on the power of food labels. The video that accompanies it does a great job explaining how the hunger hormone ghrelin works and how our beliefs may actually have an impact on our metabolism.

A great addition to a nutrition unit for older grades.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Tech Balance

Did you know that the average American teenager processes 3700 text messages a month? News Clip: MSN Maybe it’s time to put down the phone and actually

Cyberbullying: Positive Prevention

 Using Positive Peer Pressure and Social Media to Prevent Cyberbullying Below are some resources I used with my students as well as for a teacher

The Puberty Project

The Puberty Project Just had the great opportunity of doing this presentation live for the PhysEdSummit 3.0  You can watch it on YouTube- just make


Hi friends! So excited about our work together this weekend. This is where I’ll keep our agenda with live links so you can bookmark as