Let’s talk about body image…

Not sure when this whole “thigh gap” thing got started, but it’s upsetting when a trend encourages girls to try and alter their basic shape… to fit into a mold that’s just not genetically possible for most.

Unrealistic ideals can lead to anxiety, serious body image issues, eating disorders, unhealthy coping skills, and just an all-around pile of yuck.

Model Robyn Lawley does a great job of addressing it on Ellen, and I think it this could be a good clip to show in a lesson on body image or media literacy.

She’s got a great attitude and serves as a positive role model for girls of all sizes, reminding us that eating real food is good… and feeling real bad is not.

For more uplifting messages about body image, check out Operation Beautiful.

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Amy Lauren Smith The Health Teacher Amy is currently based at the Hong Kong International School, where she teaches High School Health and serves as