PHASE 2019

Hi friends! Below you’ll find a link to the pages for all of our workshops this weekend.

Google Doc folder containing all of the slide shows throughout the weekend.

Preconference Friday, Nov. 15th: The PE Teacher’s Guide to Teaching Health

Sex Ed: Link to Google Slides

Analyzing Influences: Link to Google Slides

Current Health Issues: Link to Google Slides

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Eat real food.

Nature made it look like a rainbow for a reason. So you’d eat it. Don’t mess with nature. There are so many different resources out

Brain Pop Exploration- Puberty!

Hey, gang! Now that we’re discussing puberty, I’m sure you have a lot of questions. I’d like you to watch a few of the brain pops on


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Go to bed!

* Image from Russell Foster’s Ted Talk: Why Do We Sleep? Did you know that 1/3 of all teenagers are sleep deprived? According to the

Cyberbullying: Positive Prevention

 Using Positive Peer Pressure and Social Media to Prevent Cyberbullying Below are some resources I used with my students as well as for a teacher