Grade 6 Course Outline

Middle School Health Education
Ms. Smith, Room M106

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, emotional and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease.”

–World Health Organization

At SAS Puxi Campus each student will take one semester of Health in grade 6, 7 & 8. Health education at SAS is based on the wellness approach that integrates social, emotional, mental and physical health, as well as the development of personal values.

Assessment Policies

In health class, we will check for your understanding through a wide variety of assessments.
You will be evaluated on the following:
1.. Class discussions: Because this subject deals with REAL LIFE subject matter, participation is the most important thing you can do to learn in this class. You want to make sure you’re engaging with your peers so you can learn to make healthy decisions together!
2. Projects/Presentations
3. Meditation Time (journaling, mindfulness, guided meditations)
4. In class assignments and homework: Most work in health can be completed in class. However, if time is not used wisely, assignments may have to be completed at home.

Your homework is to hang out with your family, or go outside and play!

Health Class Norms

Now it’s your turn to chat! Your job is to come up with how you and your friends want our classroom to run and function by coming up with class norms. When discussing and coming up with ideas, here are some things to think about: What do you value most when learning? How do you think others and yourself should act while in health class? What type of classroom environment do you learn best in?

Jot down class norms in your journal so you’ll always have a place where you can go back and revisit them!

6th Grade Syllabus

(what’s going to happen this semester!)

1. Introduction to Health
• What to expect from this class, and what I expect from YOU ☺
• Understanding the four components of health (physical, social, mental and emotional) and staying balanced and happy in middle school

2. Blue Zones and Healthy Goal Setting
• The Blue Zones Podcast Project: Setting goals for a happy and healthy community
Standard 1: Identify and demonstrate balance in health practices (The Blue Zones)
Standard 3: Accesses and Evaluates Valid Information

3. Cyberbullying, Internet Safety & Decision Making
• Learning who you are online vs. offline and managing your technology habits
• How do you stay safe online
• Learning how integrity can help you be a hero online
Standard 2: Analyzes the influence of media, culture and values

4. Growth & Development and Healthy Body Image
• Body Image-Learning to love your body for what it is and what it can do!
• Basic Anatomy-What’s going on with my changing body?
• How to take care of yourself now that you’re almost a teen
Standard 1: Identify and demonstrate balance in health practices (part one of quiz)
Standard 3: Accesses & evaluates valid information (evaluating health websites)

5. Stress Management & Healthy Coping Skills
• What is stress? Are there different types of stress?
• What causes stress in YOUR life?
• What are some healthy coping skills you can use to handle stress?
• The Stressbuster Video Project!!
Standard 1: Identify and demonstrate balance in health practices (stressbuster video- content)
Standard 5: Advocates for personal, family & community health. (stressbuster video- presentation)

6. Staying Physically Healthy
• Physical Activity-How much physical activity should I get on a daily basis and why is it so important for my body and mind?
• Nutrition- What are the basic food groups and how can I make the right food choices for me?
• Superfoods Snack Project
Standard 4: Sets and reflects upon personal health goals.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Posts for Choices Magazine

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Evaluating Health Websites

*This post originally appeared on National Health Education Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products and services to enhance health.

The Puberty Project

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