
Video games can benefit your health…

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Video games are bad for you? That’s what they said about rock-n-roll.
-Shigeru Miyamoto

Good news! In last September’s online journal of Pediatrics, a study was released about the benefits of moderate video game playing for the mental/emotional health of kids. Turns out, kids who play up to an hour a day are more likely to be happier and more empathetic. There is a tipping point, though, and gaming for much more than that can have the opposite effect, making kids unhappier and more likely to act out.

Like with so many other things that have an impact on our health, the key here is balance. Kids should get the chance to take a break from their every day stressors and play… but with some agreed upon guidelines set in place first.

Here’s a link to the full article from, as well as another report from WebMD. You know, just in case you need some help convincing your parents…

And for further proof that video games can help improve our health, check out this awesome TED Talk from world renowned video game designer Jane McGonigal:

The game that can give you ten extra years of life…

Now what do you think? Discuss with your table. How have video games been beneficial, and how might they sometimes get in your way?

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