Great anti-bullying message…

After getting bullied for most of elementary school, 13 year-old Leondre decided to channel his stress in the most awesome way imaginable… by writing it down and then reaching out to others. He formed a rap duo with a friend he made through social media and together they auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent.

Their inspiring performance has already gotten 22 million views in the last week. This clip of their appearance on Ellen yesterday is a must see for a middle school health class. It contains messages about bullying, healthy coping skills, and the power of social media to bring about positive change.

A truly awesome example of positive prevention.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Cyberbullying: Positive Prevention

 Using Positive Peer Pressure and Social Media to Prevent Cyberbullying Below are some resources I used with my students as well as for a teacher

The Blue Zones Project

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Project: Create your own Infographic

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Personal Tech Use Policy

  My.U.P.2013 Korean My.U.P. Chinese My.U.P. In 2011, shortly after our school went 1-to-1, our 8th graders began noticing some issues balancing their tech use. They were