Alcohol & Drug Research Lab- 2022

Rather than give students all of the information about alcohol and drugs myself, in this activity, they are split into groups and tasked with researching and presenting on one of the topics. As the presentations happen, I am able to ask clarifying questions and fill in any holes. After each presentation, students chat with an elbow partner and decide on the 2-3 key points to remember.

Here are the resources you need to try this with your students:

  1. Alcohol & Drug Research Doc– each group is assigned one topic and given about 45 mins.
  2. Slide Template- Alcohol & Drug Research Lab– groups must fill in the main slide for their topic and add at least one additional slide.
  3. Reflection Doc- Alcohol & Drug Lab

Sample student work:

  1. Sample Presentation Slides: Alcohol & Drug Lab
  2. Sample Student Work: Positive Peer Pressure- Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs

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