What’s Happening in Today’s Health Class?

In this week’s column for Choices, I share some thoughts on what makes an effective health curriculum for 21st century learners. You can check it out here.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Analyzing food packaging

Hey 8th graders, Now that you’ve done your taste test of the different energy and granola bars, you’re going to analyze the labels to see


Procrastination is a crime, it only leads to sorrow. I can stop it anytime, I think I will tomorrow… I learned that little jingle back

Fear of Missing Out

We’re having more and more difficulty disconnecting and being alone. Why? FOMO What is FOMO? Well, you know that feeling you get when your internet starts

Healthy Tech Curriculum

If you’re looking to add digital literacy to your classes (which you should be!), there are some groups out there creating curriculum, aligning it to