Little League’s Preventative Drug Program

From Schooled in Sports – Education Week… it looks like the Little League is taking a preventative approach when it comes to performance enhancing drugs.

As the top youth league for a sport that’s been riddled with doping issues, they’re in a unique position to really make an impact.

Let’s hope that they’re able to come up with something good, and that other sports will follow suit.

For more on the MLB’s recent suspensions, here’s a great article from Time that’s accompanied by a video. This could be used for a discussion in a high school class… especially at a school with a competitive sports program.

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PEACH 2016- Health

Click on the links below for more info, lesson plans, and project ideas! Google Doc for shared resources Tentative Agenda and Resources Welcome and Intros

Evaluating Health Websites

*This post originally appeared on National Health Education Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products and services to enhance health.