Pass it On…

If you haven’t checked out from The Foundation for a Better Life, better get on it. There’s a wealth of resources on there for teaching kids about values… posters, videos, definitions, quotes, and great examples.

They’ve got a special section for faculty and admin, as well as students (hugely useful for project based learning).


More hints and tips in the classroom...

6th Grade- Flood Lesson

Hey 6th graders, Sorry about the floody day schedule! Hopefully you were able to use it to your advantage and get a few extra hours

Advocacy and Art: A Cross-Curricular Project

Advocacy Through Art: A Cross-Curricular Project Like many others, our school is adopting a project-based learning (PBL) approach to education. PBL challenges students to find

Evaluating Health Websites

Hey 6th graders! Did you know that online health searches are now the third most popular activity on the web? While googling information about our

Project: Create your own Infographic

*Infographic created by Esther, Grade 8 Infographics are used quite a bit in reporting health news, as they’re a visually appealing way to get facts and