
Updated screen time recommendations for kids…

Good news for parents who struggle with guilt over screen time. The American Pediatrics Association is in the process of updating their guidelines. Read the following article and then discuss your thoughts with your table group.

What do you think the new guidelines should be?

How can we support parents in coming up with these guidelines?

How can we use technology in school while not overwhelming the kids when their home as well?

More hints and tips in the classroom...


The secret to fitness? Find something you like. Find other people who like it. Do it together. It doesn’t have to be a sport. Go

PEACH 2016- Health

Click on the links below for more info, lesson plans, and project ideas! Google Doc for shared resources Tentative Agenda and Resources Welcome and Intros

Eportfolios in Education

From Times Higher Education, Sept. 2015 Universities are switching to a new form of admissions, how do we prepare our students for the shift? Current


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Healthy Tech Curriculum

If you’re looking to add digital literacy to your classes (which you should be!), there are some groups out there creating curriculum, aligning it to