The PE Teacher’s Guide to Teaching Health- APPEC 2018

Hi friends!

So excited about our work together this weekend. This is where I’ll keep our agenda with live links so you can bookmark as we go along. Let me know if you want me to add any resources along the way!

Here’s the link to the Google Folder with the presentations and templates!

Link to Google Slide deck!

8:30-Welcome and Intros
Where is your school at in terms of a Health and Wellness Program?
Setting up a healthy and inviting classroom environment

Wellness Wheel HKIS

Incorporating Movement Into the Health Class

Cafeteria Observation

Updating existing alignment and additional opportunities- getting a Scope and Sequence for Health & Wellness started

What are you currently doing in each department/grade level? Where are there opportunities to scale back and/or ramp up? Where are the holes?

  • The importance of health literacy skills
  • Teaching the skills-cues from The Essentials of Teaching Health Education

Keeping Content Current and Relevant
6 Online Resources for Creating a Health Curriculum
2 Keys for Keeping Content Relevant in Health Ed
Developing a Professional Learning Network of other health educators within the international community and across the globe
Opportunities for continued professional development
Community and parent partnerships

Existing alignment and additional opportunities- getting a Scope and Sequence for Health & Wellness started.

-Getting to know the ‘what, why and how’ of skills-based health by engaging in a student activity. (Decision Making: Alcohol and Drug Use and the International Teen)

NHES 3: Alcohol & Drug Research Lab

NHES 3: Time Magazine: Is it Safe to Diagnose Yourself Online?




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