Tech Balance

Looking at how technology and health intersect. Click on the specific topics for further information and links.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Presentations & Consulting

  Presentations and Workshops:  Click on the green hyperlinks for resources or contact for more info. Upcoming: EARCOS Weekend Workshop Developing a Health and Wellness

Health Ed- PHASE- Oct. 2022

Click on the session title to access the slides and resources Saturday, Oct. 15, 2022 Part 1: Health Education for International Schools: Oct. 15, 2022 Saturday,

EARCOS Teacher’s Conference 2019

Placeholder for ETC Agenda here. Sample: Hi friends! So excited about our work together this weekend. This is where I’ll keep our agenda with live

Wellness for HS Seniors

College Readiness: Managing your stress and staying well.  Hey seniors!!!! You have heard senior year can be stressful… but it doesn’t have to be! Learn strategies


Gaming is a big concern for a lot of parents and teachers, but it doesn’t have to be. Gaming can foster critical thinking skills, collaboration,