SAS PXHS Health & Wellness

Article: What Students Have to Say About Skill-Based Health Education

Slides: PXHS Student Health & Wellness

SEL/Wellness Alignment Chart PK-12

Additional Resources: New York Times Unit Plan on the #MeToo Movement

Agenda: PXHS Planning Retreat
Elevating Student Health & Wellness at SAS: An Integrated Approach
8:15-8:30- What are the big issues for SAS HS students today?
8:30-9:45- Existing alignment and additional opportunities- getting a Scope and Sequence for Health and Wellness down.
What are we currently doing in each department/grade level? Where are there opportunities to scale back and/or ramp up?
-The importance of health literacy skills
-Getting to know the ‘what, why and how’ of skills-based health by engaging in a student activity. (Decision Making: Alcohol and Drug Use and the International Teen)
9:45-10:00- Break
10-11:45- Unit planning for health and counseling cores using current data and research
We’ll be designing a HS unit together on Analyzing the Influence of Social Media on Food Choice, Physical Activity, and Body Image in Teens.
Resources we’ll be using: 
password: SAS2017
11:45-12:45- Lunch
12:45-3:00- Work/Planning Time
-Resource availability and adaptability- where to house and access shared planning documents?
-Staying on top of the latest in teen health
-Skill cues to teach health literacy in gr. 9-10 as well as revisit in counseling cores gr. 11-12.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Presentations & Consulting

  Presentations and Workshops:  Click on the green hyperlinks for resources or contact for more info. Upcoming: EARCOS Weekend Workshop Developing a Health and Wellness

Ideas for Family Fun

Image: Shanghai Daily In our ever connected world, we sometimes forget to connect with those we’re closest to! For our 8th grade Family Advocacy project,

Food Guidelines Around the World Project

Hey 7th Graders! Here’s your opportunity to learn about food and dietary guidelines all around the world to help our SAS community come up with food guidelines

The Energy Bar Project: Part 1

NHES 3: Students will analyze the validity of health information, products, and services. You see it all over the aisles of the grocery store…. “whole