Did you know that the average American teenager processes 3700 text messages a month?
Maybe it’s time to put down the phone and actually talk to someone. You know, face to face. Everyone will think you’re being retro. Maybe you can start a trend.
As this is a newer issue, resources are limited and I’ll be updating as I come across anything new.
Huffington Post: Why we all need to set a bedtime
Get your parents (and the other adults in your life) some help with their technology skills.
Time Management
For Mac users: Self Control App
PC users: Rescue Time
This is a newer area with a great need for more involvement! If you and your friends have come up with anything, let me know!
Real Life:
Social interaction. Watch this video, share it with your friends, then go outside and play…
Great site created by gamers to help spread the message of balance and a healthy lifestyle.
For the extreme gamer in your life: