Beauty standards around the world…

From Buzzfeed comes this cool new video about beauty standards and photoshop. It was sent to me by one of my former 8th graders (and during her summer vacation too!). Gotta love that advocacy in action.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Unit Plan- Stress Management

This post originally appeared on It’s crunch time! Stress management for teens. May is a stressful time to be at school. Younger kids are

Go to bed!

* Image from Russell Foster’s Ted Talk: Why Do We Sleep? Did you know that 1/3 of all teenagers are sleep deprived? According to the

Grade 8 Course Outline

Middle School Health Education Ms. Smith, Room M106 Email: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental, emotional and social well-being and not merely

APPEC 2017

Hey gang! Here’s where I’ll be posting the links for all of our resources over the next two days. If there’s anything else you’d like

Sleep Advocacy Posters

Did you know that 1/3 of all teenagers are sleep deprived? According to the National Sleep Foundation, You need at least 9 hours, and most