Setting Controls for an iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

From OSX Daily, here’s an extremely useful guide for filtering content and setting parental controls.

How to Use Restrictions as Parental Controls on an iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

It’s written with super clear instructions and includes plenty of screen shots… and while many are familiar with the restrictions for in-app purchases, I don’t think everyone’s aware of the options they have available for protecting kids from explicit language and content.

A highly recommended read for anyone working or living with kids and devices…

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Tech Balance

Looking at how technology and health intersect. Click on the specific topics for further information and links.

Sleep Advocacy Posters

Did you know that 1/3 of all teenagers are sleep deprived? According to the National Sleep Foundation, You need at least 9 hours, and most

The Energy Bar Project: Part 2

Last week I wrote about part one of a new project my 8th graders have been working on where they analyze the health claims of

SAS PXHS Health & Wellness

Article: What Students Have to Say About Skill-Based Health Education Slides: PXHS Student Health & Wellness SEL/Wellness Alignment Chart PK-12 Additional Resources: New York Times

CAPE Conference 2022

Hey gang! You’ll find the resources for all of our sessions here! Keynote Updating Health Curriculum PBL w/ a Focus on Health & Wellness Stress