Setting Controls for an iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

From OSX Daily, here’s an extremely useful guide for filtering content and setting parental controls.

How to Use Restrictions as Parental Controls on an iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

It’s written with super clear instructions and includes plenty of screen shots… and while many are familiar with the restrictions for in-app purchases, I don’t think everyone’s aware of the options they have available for protecting kids from explicit language and content.

A highly recommended read for anyone working or living with kids and devices…

More hints and tips in the classroom...

PHASE Online- 2021

Hey gang! Looking forward to our time together this week at PHASE Online. You can find the slides from our two workshops below, and as

PBL Health

Hey #HealthEd teachers, here’s a link for all of the resources I shared in the PhysEdSummit and APPEC 2016 workshops. For free PD, here’s a copy of


Hey 6th graders! Have you ever heard of something called Superfoods? Well, they’re super awesome, and today you’re going to use your super powers to