Teaching Meditation in Schools

There’s a growing body of research that shows meditation working for students. This article from Edutopia talks about the specific ways in which a meditation practice can help students manage stress.

We’ve recently started doing it in our Health classes, and I’m excited to see how it goes. Middle School is a stressful time, and taking the time out to think can encourage self-awareness, calm, and hopefully… some perspective.

For some of the recent studies check out this infographic from Edutopia

For further resources, go to The David Lynch Foundation 

More hints and tips in the classroom...


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The Puberty Project

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Posts for Choices Magazine

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Health Ed- PHASE- Mar. 2022

Click on the session title to access the slides and resources Saturday, Feb. 26th, 2022 Part 1: Health Education for International Schools: Feb. 26, 2022 Saturday,

CAPE Conference 2022

Hey gang! You’ll find the resources for all of our sessions here! Keynote Updating Health Curriculum PBL w/ a Focus on Health & Wellness Stress