Using Technology to Combat Cyberbullying

“My position is that technology can’t solve bullying. This is a people problem. But technology can make a difference, either for the negative or the positive.”

      -Henry Lieberman, MIT’s Media Lab-

This great new article just came out in The Atlantic by Emily Bazelon, author of Sticks and Stones. I was really struck by the quote above from Henry Lieberman at MIT, who is working with algorithms to try and detect cyberbullying.

Like he says, it really is a people problem, but I like the idea of finding a detection system…. the coolest feature is one that would ask you to stop and think if you were about to cross the line.

For a 12 year-old, just that extra second could make all the difference. Not just for cyberbullying, but for some honest self-reflection and growth.

Here’s a video that sums it up nicely and can be shared with the kids.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

SEL for Teens 2019

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