
Another fun session with the amazing crew at #PhysEdSummit!

Here’s a video of the presentation if you missed it, and the link below will take you to the Google Slides with all of the resources that were shared. As always, please reach out if you have any questions!

Updating Health Curriculum to Meet the Needs of Today’s Teen

More hints and tips in the classroom...


What makes an effective Health curriculum? Here’s the latest from the CDC that breaks it down really well…  “Today’s state-of-the-art health education curricula reflect the

Evaluating Health Websites

Hey 6th graders! Did you know that online health searches are now the third most popular activity on the web? While googling information about our

Cyberbullying: Positive Prevention

 Using Positive Peer Pressure and Social Media to Prevent Cyberbullying Below are some resources I used with my students as well as for a teacher

EARCOS Teacher’s Conference 2019

Placeholder for ETC Agenda here. Sample: Hi friends! So excited about our work together this weekend. This is where I’ll keep our agenda with live