Category: Resources


Vaping advocacy activity

*Stickers designed by Jennifer, Grade 8

Hey 8th graders! You’re going to try and combat all of the tricks used by JUULs on social media by creating a campaign of your own. After reading this article from the (upcoming!) November

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8th grade tech balance

Hi guys! This unit, we’re going to be looking at the influence of technology and media on our personal and family health. After reflecting in your journal, here are the resources you’ll need! Brainstorm in your group on the chart

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Health Sites Web Quest

Hey 6th graders! Did you know that online health searches are now the third most popular activity on the web? While googling information about our health can  be helpful, sometimes it can give us misinformation as well. Read the following

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Analyzing the Scientific Evidence Behind Health News

Another awesome lesson plan from the folks at New York Times. This one takes an in-depth look at health news and hits NHES3 (Accessing Information), NHES2 (Analyzing Influences) and NHES 8 (Advocacy). Would love to team up with the librarian

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Upcoming Workshop!

  As educators, we might not agree with every initiative that comes down the pipe, but we all want our students to be healthy and happy. In an ideal world, this would mean that every school would have a stand-alone health

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4 Starter Ideas to Kick Off a New Semester

Unlike many other subjects, health is rarely a yearlong course. Most students are required to take health for either a semester or a quarter, which means that this time of year can require a quick “getting to know you” process,

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Lesson Plan- Stress Management for Senior Year

This past weekend, our seniors came to school on Saturday for a full day retreat, where they attended workshops designed to help them navigate the growing list of requirements for their college applications. Knowing the stress that often appears this time

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7 Reasons to Use Journaling in Health Class

  Journaling has been a big part of my health classes since the day I became a teacher, and the benefits it has had on my teaching practice keep piling up every year. Even with all of the technological advances

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4 Cross-Curricular Projects with a Focus on Health

  Short on instructional time? Health is a universal, so team up with another teacher on campus and see where you can layer in health literacy skills with other content areas. The field of education is currently undergoing a big shift from

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4 Ways to Implement Cross-Curricular Learning in Health

The field of education is currently undergoing a big shift from traditional methods of instruction to project-based learning (PBL). Most teachers are excited to implement PBL in their classrooms, but in subjects like health, where instruction time is limited, teachers

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5 Tips for Teaching Kids How to Set Goals

National Health Education Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health. One of the best ways to kick off the school year is with a unit on goal setting, since everyone returns fresh from

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Talking to Kids About Emotions Using Pixar’s Inside Out

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Summer Institute for Educators at the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, where we attended presentations from a variety of experts in the field of mindfulness and Social/Emotional Learning—often referred to as SEL. On

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The Alcohol Research Lab

It’s the end of the school year. This means our seniors are getting ready for college, the eighth graders are gearing up for high school, and many of our students will be faced with situations where they might be tempted

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Inspiring PSAs to Show in Health Class

A huge part of what we teach in health class is advocacy, and one of the most effective ways to advocate is through PSAs, or public service announcements. I’ve been having my students make them since back in the days

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