
Resources for the Stressbusters video project!

Hey 6th graders!

Hope you’re excited about making your stress buster videos.

Project Sheet: Stressbuster Video Instructions

Rubric: Stressbuster Video Rubric

If you need some inspiration, check out some of the videos by our friend Berna at Choices.

Remember, you want people to be inspired to try out your healthy coping skills as an alternative to their not so healthy ones… adding text and media to the video can make your message stand out.

If you don’t know how to do that, not to worry…

Pic Monkey and Vont are both apps that are free, easy to use, and recommended by your classmates. If you’re looking for something a little more challenging, here’s a list of the top video editing apps from Mashable…10 Excellent Video Editing Apps.

Don’t worry too much if you don’t have pro editing skills… just ask for help! And remember, you’re also getting assessed on content and how much of your personality shows through.

Have fun and good luck!!


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