
Today’s Health Class: Meditation Resources

In this week’s column for Choices, I share some tips and resources for getting a classroom meditation practice started. You can check it out here.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Puberty Help for Parents

We’ve just finished up with our puberty unit for the 6th graders, and oftentimes, it’s more stressful for the parents than it is for the kids.

12 Grab & Go Projects for Health* this post originally appeared on Many schools are shifting their curriculum to include project-based learning (PBL), but in the life of a teacher,

Good Reads for Parents

There are so many awesome resources out there for parents when it comes to raising healthy teens. As I come across anything I feel worth

Student Created Tech Use Policy

  Download your own editable doc here: My UP Family Agreement Korean My.U.P. Chinese My.U.P. In 2011, shortly after our school went 1-to-1, our 8th grade Health classes

Evaluating Health Websites

Hey 6th graders! Did you know that online health searches are now the third most popular activity on the web? While googling information about our