
Beauty standards around the world…

From Buzzfeed comes this cool new video about beauty standards and photoshop. It was sent to me by one of my former 8th graders (and during her summer vacation too!). Gotta love that advocacy in action.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Project: Create your own Infographic

*Infographic created by Esther, Grade 8 Infographics are used quite a bit in reporting health news, as they’re a visually appealing way to get facts and

The Blue Zones Project

Hey 6th graders! You just learned about the Wellness Wheel and the four main components of our health: Physical, Social, Emotional and Mental. You also learned

Posts for Choices Magazine

Each week, I contribute a blog post to the website for Choices, Scholastic’s health and life-skills magazines for teens. You can check it out by