
How labels affect hunger…

From NPR Health comes this new study on the power of food labels. The video that accompanies it does a great job explaining how the hunger hormone ghrelin works and how our beliefs may actually have an impact on our metabolism.

A great addition to a nutrition unit for older grades.

More hints and tips in the classroom...

Tobacco. Gross.

Hopefully most of you know that smoking is bad. I don’t think this is going to come as a shock. You shouldn’t do it. And

Student Created Tech Use Policy

  Download your own editable doc here: My UP Family Agreement Korean My.U.P. Chinese My.U.P. In 2011, shortly after our school went 1-to-1, our 8th grade Health classes


Research shows that one of the main reasons teens go on the internet is to get answers to health questions they’re too embarrassed to ask

PBL: Family Values

Mission Statement (noun): 1. An official statement of the aims and objectives of a business or other organization. Values are huge part of the decision making