
Engineering possibilities…

When our brightest minds are powered by the passion to make an impact, amazing things can happen.

More hints and tips in the classroom...


What makes an effective Health curriculum? Here’s the latest from the CDC that breaks it down really well…  “Today’s state-of-the-art health education curricula reflect the

Analyzing food packaging

Hey 8th graders, Now that you’ve done your taste test of the different energy and granola bars, you’re going to analyze the labels to see

Posts for Choices Magazine

Each week, I contribute a blog post to the website for Choices, Scholastic’s health and life-skills magazines for teens. You can check it out by

The Puberty Project

The Puberty Project Just had the great opportunity of doing this presentation live for the PhysEdSummit 3.0  You can watch it on YouTube- just make

Tech Tips for Parents

When it comes to balancing your family’s digital diet, there are a ton of great resources out there for parents. I always recommend starting with